Keep the View. Control the Elements.
Becoming too hot in the summer, too cold in the winter, or overrun by mosquitoes. Exposure to the elements can also cause lasting damage to your patio furniture and flooring, leading to costly replacements.
More importantly, you miss out on quality time with friends and family, confined indoors when you could be enjoying your beautiful outdoor area.
Don’t let the weather dictate how and when you use your space.
With a variety of colors and fabric options, our screens blend seamlessly with your home.
Our screens protect against bugs, UV rays, and extreme weather, so you can enjoy your space year-round.
Built to Florida’s storm standards, our screens withstand high-velocity winds, ensuring durability in any season.
Fenetex offers a variety of shade options all available in multiple colors and fabrics to perfectly match your outdoor space
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Choose Your Perfect Fenetex
Enjoy Your Yard Again
40 yrs.
Get answers to your most pressing questions about our services. If you require additional assistance, please contact us.
Once your order is placed, lead time is 4-6 weeks. Installation typically takes 4-6 hours.
Call us or schedule a site visit for accurate measurements and pricing.
If a dealer is a Fenetex Certified Installer, you can be assured that we are vetted and we have had training from Fenetex. A good installation is crucially important to your enjoyment of your retractable screens.
Yes. Please see the full warranty for all the details but here is a short version of what the lifetime warranty covers. Lifetime warranty against manufacturing defects on extruded and fabricated aluminum components, proprietary parts, and the welded seams on screens. 5 year UV stable fabric warranty, some fabrics are additionally protected by a manufactures warranty of up to 10 years. 5 year warranty on electronic components. 5 year paint finish warranty unless you are within ½ mile of an ocean then it is a 2 year warranty. Exclusions include things like damage caused by water, fire, wind events, misuse, neglect and wear and tear from use. Items needing repair can be returned to Fenetex for repair at reasonable costs.
Yes! They are built to withstand high-velocity hurricanes, meeting Miami-Dade standards.
Absolutely! Choose from multiple fabrics, colors, and control options, including smart home integration.
No, Fenetex screens are nearly silent even in very strong winds.
Yes, everything we make has an FR rating which means that it won’t burn – it will char when exposed to an open flame but it won’t catch fire.
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